Sunday 5 May 2019

Java 9, 10, 11 - Highlights of new features and enhancements

If you are new to Java, please refer my Newto Java - Getting Started Guide post and previous post about Java8 - Highlights of new features and enhancements?

This could be one of my shortest blog ever! This just contains URLs for sample code snippet (along with easy to understand comments) to learn new features and enhancements of Java 9, Java 10 and Java 11 at my Learning-Java Repository on Github @ 

Sunday 8 April 2018

Microservices with Spring Cloud - Learn by plain-vanilla code snippet

Are you looking for plain-vanilla code with lucid README instructions to learn Spring Cloud technology stack?

Well, I had explored, experimented and experienced building microservices using Spring Cloud almost a year ago. I may upgrade my Spring Cloud learning code to match latest version and include more features of it in this year.

Meanwhile if anyone is interested in below learning goals, the code is available @