Pivotal released the
first version of their new Spring IO Platform 1.0 in June 2014, which is
indeed in line with original Spring's aim: bring
simplicity to Java development.
Before moving to
executive highlights of Spring IO platform, one should know some formerly vs.
current key points about Spring.
Referred as
"Spring Framework and related project"
Highlighted as
"Spring IO Platform = Spring IO Foundation + Spring Execution"
framework founders -> Created SpringSource -> Purchased by VMWare ->
In April 2013 VMware, and its parent company EMC Corporation created a joint
venture called Pivotal
Sponsored and led
by Pivotal
A bird's-eye view of Spring
IO Platform and Projects
Following mind
mapping diagram represents high level view of Spring IO, which brings together
the Spring family of projects into a cohesive and versioned foundational
platform for modern applications. On top of this foundation it also provides
domain-specific execution environments for a variety of enterprise workloads.
click the image - Open in New Window - Zoom it)
Below more detail pasted from <http://spring.io/blog/2014/06/26/introducing-the-spring-io-platform>
- Spring IO is first and foremost a logical description of what many of users will already know and use as a single, cohesive, harmonized platform, centered around Spring.
- Spring supports many application workloads. Want to talk to a datastore? A big, or specialized datastore? Build a batch processing solution? Integrate disparate systems and data? Work with AMQP? Use the Groovy programming language to rapidly build web applications with Grails? Connect to an OAuth-secured REST service like that of Twitter, Facebook, or indeed any OAuth-secured service? Secure an application? Build a web application with REST, websockets and more? (Using HATEOAS?) Connect to infrastructure services on your favorite Platform-as-a-Service (like Cloud Foundry)? Need to manage fast, reactive, concurrent, message and event dispatch? Expose SOAP-powered web services? Need I go on? There's likely a solution for you if you know where to look!
- The Spring IO platform is also an actual harmonization of APIs through a Maven Bill-of-Materials dependency. It's now easy to reason about which versions of which dependencies across the entire portfolio work together. If you want to get the latest and greatest revisions of the APIs, simply update your Spring IO dependency. Spring IO, as a platform, also specifies known-to-work revisions of popular third-party libraries such as Hibernate, Guava, Logback, Jackson, JSTL, JUnit, Hadoop, Solr, Tomcat, Groovy, EclipseLink JPA, Neo4j, TestNG and many more.
- Spring IO is, ultimately, just libraries on the CLASSPATH of your application. You can choose to use specific versions of dependencies using your build tools'<dependencyManagement/> facility. The version management is ultimately a suggestion and a convenience, not a requirement.
- Spring IO is certified to work with Java 1.7 and 1.8, though specific projects under Spring IO will often work with even older JDKs, too. It requires only Java SE and supports Groovy, Grails, and some Java EE. As a platform, it can be deployed in embedded runtimes, classic applications server deployments, and PaaS environments.
- Spring IO Platform - http://platform.spring.io/platform/
- Spring Projects - http://spring.io/projects
- Spring Getting Started Guides - http://spring.io/guides
- Spring Documentation - http://spring.io/docs
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