Sunday, 30 August 2015

Java 8 - Highlights of new features and enhancements

If you are new to Java, please refer my New to Java - Getting Started Guide post.

Being a java developer, one should start learning new language features and enhancements of Java 8 if not yet!

You can get sample code snippet of Java 8 features from my Learning-Java Repository on Github @ --- Here you would find sample code along with easy to understand comments to learn new language features released in Java 8, and I will be adding more learning code of library enhancements in future.

Executive view of key features introduced in Java 8 --- For more detail, please refer Oracle documentation of New Features and Enhancements in Java 8.

(Right click the image - Open in New Window - Zoom it)

Java 7 - Highlights of new features and enhancements

If you are new to Java, please refer my New to Java - Getting Started Guide post.

Being a java developer, one should be aware of at least new language features (referred as project coin features) of Java 7.

You can get sample code snippet of Java 7 features from my Learning-Java Repository on Github @ --- Here you would find sample code along with easy to understand comments to learn new language features released in Java 7, and I may add more code of library enhancements in future.

Executive view of key features introduced in Java 7 --- For more detail, please refer Oracle documentation of New Features and Enhancements in Java 7.

(Right click the image - Open in New Window - Zoom it)

Java SE 6 - Highlights of new features and enhancements

If you are new to Java, please refer my New to Java - Getting Started Guide post.

Being a java developer, one should know that no new language changes were introduced in Java SE 6. Most importantly, introduction of Scripting in Java Platform (JSR-223) had encouraged acceptance of other popular open-source languages on JVM runtime via scripting engine implementation of a given programming language. This specification also offers interoperability between Java and non-Java JVM languages (i.e. JavaScript, Groovy…).

Executive view of key changes introduced in Java SE 6 --- For more detail, please refer Oracle documentation of New Features and Enhancements in Java SE 6.

(Right click the image - Open in New Window - Zoom it)

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Importance of Software Products Interoperability or Compatibility Matrix

Recently I migrated from old to new laptop, which is in majority cases laborious job. After few weeks, I realized I missed to install VMWare vSphere Client software to access ESXi server.

Somehow I could find that I had vSphere client version 5.5 in my previous laptop, and I just installed latest "vSphere client version 5.5 U3". Then when I tried to login, it stuck on "Updating" popup screen which finally failed to do any progress with multiple tries. Well, I could not understand what it tries to do --- The required client support files need to be retrieved from the server "" and installed. Click Run the installer or Save the installer???

I tried to google solution, but could not find anything useful. I tried uninstall and install latest version 6.0, but could not solve it. This way, I wasted my almost 5 hours. Suddenly I realized, I should check version compatibility between ESXi server and vSphere client. So I searched and found this url - Wow, finally I could fix this problem in just few minutes by installing VMWare vSphere client version compatible to ESXi server 5.0 version.

Lesson Learned:

While installing any software products, if we see installation problems or it reacts weirdly, then we should not forget to refer its version compatibility matrix... :-)